The Danger of Theocracies on Liberty
 I will keep this one as brief as I can. Theocracies of any kind are dangerous to liberty. There have been no successful theocracies ever in our history. And it makes no difference whether those theocracies are Islamic or Christian or something else. Theocracies always descend into oppression. Christian Dominionism, is just as dangerous as Sharia under Islam (although right now Sharia under Islam is far more prevalent in the world), and we have certain Islamic nations that have implemented Sharia (law) to one degree or another, while Christian Dominionism is largely non-existent, and non-relevant. I have yet in my 31 years as a Christian to have run into a Dominionist, and if I ever did I will have a long discussion with them about what Christianity is supposed to be. What it is not supposed to be, is to be seeking temporal power to start a theocracy.

 The safest bet is a secular government, a Constitutional republic, that is neutral in respect to religion. And so long as it reamins neutral to religion. Allowing freedom of the people to practice their religion (and practice it in all aspects of their lives INCLUDING THEIR BUSINESSES). There is a reason our founders (of the United States), which while a mostly religious people, did not want a government that advocated a religion. (of course note that they were not averse to expressing religious beliefs in the government halls and statehouses and in our capitol). And they certainly were not for a government that was to be hostile to religion. 

 That being said...  

 The moment a government begins to violate the free (and assumingly of course non-violent practice of the religion) then such a government is no longer to be supported or trusted with the safeguards of liberty. Whether Local, State, or Federal, the oppressed have the right even the duty to resist such governments and have the right to defy any laws and if necessary fight to retain religious liberty. 

I am sorry, American revolutionary war veteran's blood flows through my veins. Can't help it. :-)